17 March 2011

Heartache Tonight (Jerod's First Tale - Part 8)

I arrived in time to be treated to an argument in progress.

"Brainiac can't his hands off other people's stuff."

"Well, if you didn't hide your password in the drawer, I might not have had quite such an easy time. After all, the password wasn't the obvious imsuchadumbass, was it? Though I would have got it soon enough."

"Brawn, not brains, that's what'll get ya ahead."

"Gack, brawn only gets you so far. Takes brains to get to the top."

"Hey, Bad, what's up now?" Honestly, what the hell is he doing here when Tania is here? And why bring along Ginger?

"Ginger. He's your offsider and he's moving in with you. Now. "


"The man is a freaking nightmare to live with, that's what. He's hacked my computer. Got my Simbook page permanently disabled, transferred most of the money from what was to be my retirement fund to something I can't get at. And I think the police are monitoring my IP because they think I'm involved in some trafficking ring or other. That was just his first night at my place."

"So keep him away from the computer."

"Can't be done, Ginger has some sort of serious attraction to them." Sinbad shook his head. "Then there is the parade of girlfriends. It's beyond annoying that he's always expecting some ditzy bimbo or other over and wants me to leave. Just cause a guy doesn't happen to be dating at the moment doesn't mean he has to put up with this shit. And it's my fucking house."

"So, give him the boot."

"I am. I am booting him to you."

"Damn it, Bad."

"When the two of you earn enough that he can get his own place, you can boot him out. But the Company doesn't believe in giving noobs enough for their own place when starting out. You know that." True enough, finding a housemate did mean that I didn't have to crash with someone in the Company. It could have been very awkward if I had ended up bunking with the Racket family, all things considered.

"Right, right, fine. We'll cope somehow." Sinbad handed over the Company starter cash. Not a lot but enough for us to upgrade a few things around here for a house of three.

Then I turned around to see Ted making eyes at Tania. How dare he? She's mine. She's ... grrr... goddamnit. I have no real claim here and she's not in any other relationship.

Damn that Blondie. Let her dig her own grave.

 It wasn't the most promising start to the new housemate.

"Hey, where's your computer?"

"Don't own one, Ginger."

"How do you find out stuff? How do you track what's going on in town? Get the lowdown on people? Hack into things? Man, you can't even Simoogle without a computer."

"Ginger, have you heard of talking to people yet? You know, chat and ask questions?"

"Inefficient and too disorganised. I don't like people much." Eh, it's probably people don't like him much.

"Your problem, not mine. You need a computer? Buy one or hit the library."

"Right. Ok, so boss, to earn a promotion, do I sleep with you or what?"

"Sleep with me? God sakes no. What on earth gave you that idea?"

"Sinbad said you'd slept with Dennis to get promoted. I will do what it takes to be promoted." He tried to cozy up to me.

"Sinbad was wrong. I did not sleep with Dennis." No need to tell Ginger that Dennis *wanted* me in his bed. And I'll have to talk to Bad. I do not need him to spread that around town. I did a lot just to avoid Dennis's bed.

Wait, he'll do anything? "Got just the job for you to prove your enthusiasm."

"Yeah? What?"

"Go clean. This place is appalling."

Promising. He will do anything for his boss.


I caught Ted making eyes at Tania again.

This time, it's just too much. I can't watch her and Ted.

"Oi, Ginger. Do not bother Tania again. Ever."

"Isn't she free to make that choice?"
This time I growled. Ginger is a menace and he is not a better choice for Tania. Sinbad said he already had a collection of lovers. "You aren't getting it. Hands off."

"Boys, stop it."

"You are just a shrimp. Do you think you can take me down?"

"I'll take you so far down they'll need a god damn bulldozer to get you back out."

"Boys! I am not sort of prize from a cereal box. Stop it."

"You puny stick. I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back."

"You can talk big, Ginger, real big but can you fight? Because I think talk is all you got."

I launched myself at him.

"Boys! Would you cut this out!"

He may have spent a lot of time developing his computer skills, his ability to create a grand master plan.

But he forgot the sort of people he'll have to deal with in this profession. He outweighs me by a good twenty pounds but that didn't help him at all.

Because while I may be smaller then he is,  I'm also faster and I've been using that weight machine regularly. He won't be taking that for granted for some time.

When the fight was over, Tania packed a small bag of clothes and ran out the door.

Just like that, she's gone. Damn that Miss Goody Goody.

I hit the bench press. Today was proof that time training is not time wasted.

Later I got a call from the company.  I've taken Dennis's place in Twinbrook now, it's up to me to plan a job and get it done right.

The job is to steal the takings from the sports stadium. It's the finals this weekend, the biggest draw of the year.

The Company takes 50% of every job. That leaves 50% to split amongst the team. I know that the Company share does sound high, but they do spend money on payoffs, bribes and the best law team the country can provide. If things go wrong, they will spend money to fix it.

I considered my options and then pulled in Sinbad and Marta Tomasi as the additional inside crew. Ginger was our driver.

"Ginger, time for you to start earning your keep. We have a job this weekend."

"Hey boss, can I prove myself? Let me plan the caper."

"Well, ok. Make a plan to take the city payroll. I have information that it arrives at 10 pm on Sunday. Usually the pay goes out at 9 am on Monday. Our team is Sinbad, who is one of our best toughs and Marta, who can charm the pants and wallet off any man." Yeah, let him plan. It will keep him occupied.

You can't be too careful with Ginger. I've heard him mutter fairly complicated and yet workable plots in his sleep. And his ambition worries me.  If he tries a setup, hopefully it won't go well.


  1. Good question Alantoad. Shrimp has a few things on his mind just now. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Not going to lie, Ted cracks me up, especially with his hacking skills.

    Aw, poor Shrimp! For someone who just got into a fight over Tania, he doesn't really seem to care that she left.

    Worrying about Ted, though... I feel like he's going to mess things up big time.

  3. Thanks Amelia,

    Ted's hacking skills are well developed indeed. But his other skills - a wee bit lacking. And Shrimp is rather stuck with Ted moving in, there's no one in town he can leave Ted with.

    As for Shrimp, does he care that Tania left? He hasn't had a lot of time to think on that yet, with being told to plan a heist.

    Shrimp is very worried that Ted might mess things up. Which is why Ted thinks they are hitting City Hall and not the Sports Centre. :)

  4. Lol... Ted is... interesting, to say the last. ;D Sore on the eyes, but hilarious to say the least.

    Can't help but feel a little bad for Jerod, seeing as now Tania's out the door and he's suck with Ted. Hopefully he proves useful, but... I dunno. Something tells me he's going to be more of a liability than anything--unless Jerod's got a plan to pull the floor out from under him. ^^

    Sure is interesting seeing where this is headed--can't wait to see if they're able to pull the heist off.

  5. Poor Ted, he's actually been waiting a long long time to go for evil genius plots. But he's finally been released into the world. He was a born in game in a never blogged game - I feel for him inheriting Tamara Donner's nose like that.

    Glad you feel for Jerod, life is getting a wee bit crazy for him. Losing Tania, having a heist to plan, and trying to keep a leash on Ted...

    Hope it's still a good read.

  6. Heheheh... I dunno if I really feel bad for Ted at all. I dunno. Puffy shirt, big nose, kinda obnoxious... Yeah. I guess I kinda feel bad for him for the nose, because that's not his fault, but... lol. ;D

    Jerod seems to be taking everything pretty well--I like how cold he is towards Tania despite how he's alluded to feeling differently other times. Shows that his job and his 'image' is more important to him than a woman, which makes a lot of sense to how I've always pictured him. :)

  7. LOL Ted's choice of shirt is a reflection of his keeper's indecisiveness when it comes to gender preferences for him. Somehow an ambitious evil genius with a girlfriend seems - wrong. Thus the fluffy shirt. He does have three romantic interests in town, all female so he might be allowed to go more manly now.

    Jerod is certainly sorting his priorities now. With Tania gone and Ted there...his home life changed quite a bit.

  8. "Boys! I am not sort of prize from a cereal box. Stop it."
    That one made me laughed. But, oh no! She's leaving and Shrimp is left with Ted. I wonder what those two would make
    OMG,I'm getting a hard word verification to read. Was that ummum?

  9. Sorry about just getting caught up now. I had tons of lists and was having problem on internet access. OMG, the next word verification is harder. Was that twunmat?

  10. Thanks for the comments MJ.

    Oh no, indeed, Tania is out and he is left with Ted. Not a lot of fun for Jerod.


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