10 February 2011

Anatomy of a failed experiment

The idea I was generally playing with was seeing how odd couples interacted. So I picked 6 Sims. The six and their original traits: Anya (mmmcheezy225) - flirty, excitable, clumsy, good, light sleeper; Antonio (MJ_Rose) - slob, great kisser, daredevil, hopeless romantic, charismatic; Tatianna (Kaleeko) - perfectionist, dislikes children, snob, athletic, mean spirited; Theodore (Dee) - Brave, Insane, Absent-minded, loves the outdoors, charismatic; Shannon (Chrysame) - Bookworm, clumsy, excitable, natural cook, lucky; Malcolm (mine) - slob, grumpy, charismatic, athletic, ambitious

New pairs and traits
Highlighted traits are the ones that are opposite for the Sims.

Antonio - slob, party animal, hopeless romantic, charismatic, family-oriented
Tatianna - perfectionist, dislikes children, loner, mean spirited, commitment issues

Theodore - Brave, Insane, Absent-minded, loves the outdoors, grumpy
Shannon - Bookworm, coward, excitable, natural cook, hates the outdoors

Malcolm - slob, evil, charismatic, athletic, unflirty
Anya - flirty, excitable, clumsy, good, neat

It took virtually no time for Tatianna to show her normal lovable self. Insulting and generally being unpleasant to everyone else in the house.

The house had plenty of things for them to do. Chess, shuffleboard, hot tub and more.

BTW - I take no responsibility for Theo's clothes. He is insane and might wear anything at any time.

The first day, I encouraged them to play together, just to get to know each other.

Then I decided that was all too slow and just made them friends so we could speed up events a bit.

It didn't take long for Tat to start losing her new friends.
The guys were also playing gnubb with the girls.

So what are Malcolm and Anya looking a bit distressed about?

Antonio with his new trait of party animal skinny dips in the hot tub. His housemates definitely do not approve.  And he never thinks to invite them to join him for a skinny dip so they stay dressed and disapproving.

Shannon cooked a nice meal for the group.

Then I tried to leave them alone to see if they'd socialise well by themselves.

Definitely mixed success, they would do a bit.

And it could even be interesting.

But I found myself trying to push them together time and time again.

Malcolm tried to tell Anya his new evil plan but good definitely does not approve of that much evil.

Some of the Sims seemed a bit more inclined to be interesting then others.

There was a bit of chatting between all of them.

The call of the hot tub was too much for Antonio. He just had to keep getting in. Sans clothes every time.

Tat hide his clothes before they started the foosball game.

Anya was having a blast being the flirty Sim with three guys to play with.

Malcolm, being evil, was having his own version of fun.

Finally I had the three males flirt with the three females.  

Tatianna was still being her normal charming self.

So Shannon and Antonio wanted to kiss each other. Anya and Theo wanted to kiss.

That left Malcolm with Tat.

Which left him rejected. I think that Tat even *wanted* to kiss him but she wanted to make him work for it.

The other Sims had no such problems but none of the original opposite couples I set up actually made it to the romantic interest stage.

Theo almost immediately started talking to himself, which freaked Anya out.

Anya started hitting on Antonio which made both Shannon and Theo very unhappy.

Anya's behaviour even made Theo think twice about the relationship.

So here is where I ended the experiment. Too many Sims, a bit too much chaos and they weren't going to pair off as the original odd couples. I have yet to decide if I'll try again with just an odd couple and see if that works out or just find a new thing to experiment with.

Next for this blog is a story and not just ramblings. 


  1. I think these traits really have an affect toward their relationship.

    Wow...I can see that there were lots of chaos there. It's interesting to see their wishes. Lol, it seemed that it's only Antonio who likes to skinny dip. Strange, most of my sims (except for the shy and hydrophobia ones) often do skinny dip. I haven't played him in my game, actually.

    Flirty sims usually get the first attention, but could easily ruin relationship... (Flirty and Unflirty reminds me of Eva and Shamus) Hopeless romantic is so easy to fall in love... Tatianna is so hard to get. Theodore is full of surprises.

    I have been experimenting with Twallan SP. It seems that the SP really paired couples with traits. I only watched them from above, seeing the entire sim in town going from place to place. I placed Rose and Val (best friends and not as romantic interest) in different houses, and then I got an announcement that they were in rush for marriage because of "software failure" Lol!

  2. Interesting though, I also put Pierre in different house as her best friend, I didn't have announcement of them being together. Pierre married someone else who is also hopeless romantic.

  3. Poor Malcolm getting rejection. Wait wasn't he with Anya? These triangle relationships between sims really confuses me.

  4. I did change some traits, Antonio might not normally skinny dip but with the party animal, he certainly did a lot. :)

    Twallan's SP does tend to do a good job with finding compatible mates. Though it can go very wrong as well. But that's life, sometimes the perfect partner isn't perfect for all time.

    That's why I declared it a failed experiment though. Malcolm was paired with Anya, Shannon with Theo and Antonio with Tat. Not one of the pairings decided to go for a romantic relationship.

    Which is why it's still stunning that Phillip Grant loves Vanessa so. They share no traits and all and 2 of their traits are incompatible. And yet, they are just so devoted to each other.

  5. Woohoo!!! She's back!!! She has elec...tri...city!!! Congratulations!

    I love this update. I find it hilarious.

    Those little experiments are always fun. Well... most always. :)

  6. Yep. I gots power in the computer room. The computer is fine. The backup drives are fine. I am back in business.

    Glad you liked the update. I thought I got some cute pics, even if the idea failed (twice, I restarted and still couldn't make things work.)

    It was fun to play with though.

  7. I must say that there is a sad pic there. The one where Tat rejected Malcolm. He looks sooo sad there.

  8. True, he was very sad. But I had Tat try to kiss him and *she* got rejected because I had made him unflirty. So she got to be very sad too.

    Tat just never wants to play nice with others. Malcolm being evil was coping better than Antonio. Theo might have coped, he did once date Tat in a Sammy story. But Theo was having more fun with Anya - till she started flirting with others.

  9. Hahaha!! This turned out really hilarious. Definitely an odd mix of sims and... well, no definite conclusions. It's nice to see how personality affected their ability (or inability) to pair off.

    Glad to see that Tatianna was having so much fun, too. :D

  10. Glad you had fun reading it. Definitely didn't work out well as far as the experiment went though.

    I should go back and highlight again. I have realised that I had *three* opposite traits per couple, not just two.

    Tatianna needs her own special challenge. How many days does it take one perfectionist mean-spirited Sim to alienate an entire household. My guess is two, three if she's off her form a bit. :)


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